Haven't moved the car for two days and went to check the oil and found a mouse nest on top of the engine. Cleared it out only to find returned the next day. Tried a couple of traps to no avail (see pic), so purchased a sonic alarm that connects to battery... and seems to be working. Luckly no damage done apart from it had chewed the rubber underneath the engine cover to make its nest. So if you haven't had a look under your bonnet lately you might find a suprise (especially if you live in the countryside). Oh, and check the air filter they seem to love nesting there. I had three living in the Golf last harvest time, and that was used daily. One used to sun itself on the parcel shelf while driving. Just thankful it wasn't rats or Glis Glis.
Well finally got the sod. After a week of two traps and two sonic alarms (which didn't work) and a camera. Caught it with a humane trap with peanut butter, so walked him half hour away informing it next time deadly force would be used and let it go. It appeared to be making a nest underneath the brake fluid reservoir and the other side where the water drains from the windscreen as they were both full of leaves, feathers and dried grasses. Still on mouse alert, traps and camera still going just incase it was a flat share.
I’m impressed you took the non-lethal route. Bit sure I would have had that level of care and patience.
I keep hearing a rat in our loft. Caught one, but there’s another.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro