Hi again want to ask any of you guys ever used Polar Blast/ Polar wash from Auto Glym,I bought some due to the fact that I have a back problem very difficult to bend up and down so bought this due to it and youtube videos telling you how good it was .Followed the instructions but car was still left dirty even increased the % to see if that would help but still left a film of dirt on car ,I did get in touch with A/Glym but there answer was to use a sponge and agitate well that to me means bending up and down which I can't do at the moment, now I did notice that on the videos the cars were not really dirty and when they finish washing them the cars do look clean on the video (they say the camera never lies?but it does on video)Now back to my car being in Hospital for two weeks and not get the car washed for four maybe the dirt wash heavier lol then my own car did not come up clean.So I went to Halfords and bought there car plan cleaning product and it did a better job than A/Glym and at half the price so I would like to know what your own thoughts are on this.
I've been using Polar Blast for a year or so with no complaints. But - my car is pretty well protected from building up grime due to the several coats of micro/nano polish treatment it has had. I like Polar Blast as it definitely doesn't deplete the polish product that is on the car. I can well believe that a really dirty car would need something stronger than the AutoGlym or the Valet Pro products.
Hi thanks for your reply just the kind of answer A/Glym should have got back to me on, and I think all car lovers would love to clean there Cars more than twice a week to stop the real dirt from building up but in the real world not always the case I remember 40 years ago I bought a product that made washing your car easy I am sure it was called autopilot? and you only needed water to take the dirt of the car a bit like rain X but for the paint I do wish they still sold it but alas was only on sale for a couple of years.
Try this stuff: I did a write up on it a while back - it may not actually last twelve months but it was still looking good after six - muck and crud rinses off easily and then I use Polar Blast. https://www.bmwland.org.uk/index.php?threads/update-on-the-carplan-no1supergloss-treatment.3502/
l have not personally used the polar seal and polar wash products so cant comment on the particular products. but wll give one word of warning if you have bought the third product in the range polar seal be very very carful with it and make sure it is 100% rinsed off and when you think you have rinsed it enough then rinse it some more the polar blast is a snow foam/pre wash type product and it is a no contact stage other than whilst the product is dwelling you could go around the car with a soft t detailing bush and agitate around the badges and the window rubbers the polar wash is just a car shampoo that is applied differently rather than shampoo in a bucket you apply your shampoo using a foam lance and then contact wash the car as you would normally the contact wash is the part that you are unable to do at the moment due to back problems. sadly there is no magic product that will clean your car without using a wash mitt or a sponge for at least one part of the wash process @Singvogel mentioned that a well protected car will be visibly cleaner after the pre wash stage but may stll requre the contact wash stage to get the car fully clean l had a ceramic sealant on my car and during the depths of winter l could get away with just the pre wash stage and a jet wash wth no contact wash but even then it wasn't 100% clean l also live in a very soft water area so could leave the rinse water on the car without towel drying and l did not have any issues with water spotting. if you live n a hard water area be very wary of leaving rinse water on the car as you wll suffer water spotting issues
you could try some other products or wash methods that may be a bit more potent than the polar blast one system that l use is a walk around the car covering all the lower areas from the windows down using a pump sprayer containing a citrus pre wash like valet pro at 10 to 1 dilution. for a very dirty car l may switch the citrus pre wash for koch chemie green star or another auto specific all purpose cleaner again at 10-1 dilution as soon as the whole lower half of the car is covered with APC l then switch to a snow foam lance filled with Bilt hamber auto wash snow foam and get this over the top of the APC and leave to dwell as long as you can without letting the product dry on the car as you already have the autoglym polar blast you could try a pre wash first and then immediatelyiatly apply polar blast over the top to give a bit more bite and leave to dwell as long as you can www.slimsdetailing.co.uk/koch-chemie-green-star-universal-cleaner www.slimsdetailing.co.uk/valetpro-citrus-pre-wash www.amazon.co.uk/ox-tools/pressure-sprayer
Hi thanks your post was very helpful in allowing me to understand better and your photos were good in showing a dirty car first, with my back problem I am going to look for a brush with very soft bristles so as to keep any scratches to a minimum as I think this would stop me from bending to much when washing car all thou you can't beat a bucket and sponge but I fell into the trap that the power washers was my answer they are great for taking large lumps of dirt off before washing so if you have any Idea on what's the best brush to use throw it my thanks again.
I have several - all Gardena. This one has very soft natural hair - I think it's actually horse hair - I've had it for more years than I care to remember. This is the latest version of it which I bought recently. This one has nylon bristles - slightly stiffer which I only use for the wheels. If the car is really dirty I would power wash off any grit, sand, or salt then apply the snow-foam The soft brush would be next while the foam is still clinging - especially around door-handles, trim etc. I'd finish off with something like AG Aqua-Wax to try to have a shiny finish that will repel (to some extent at least) road crud to make the next wash a bit easier.
The brush with the horse hair would be the best bet the ones that come with power washes leave small marks thanks
is it the Phytonic Blue metallic paint ? if so a fairly light blue l have never bought a brush to wash a car and it is not something l could give advice on. but l do understand your position and not being able to bend to wash the car with a mitt so a very soft brush may be your best bet
www.amazon.co.uk/Chenille-Microfiber-Car-Brush something like that may be better than a brush l would happily use a use a chenille mitt on my car so that bush may be kinder to the paint than a nylon brush
Sorry should have been more clear on colour Phytonic Blue not my favourite chose but the Oyster leather just gives it an extra touch of class and you are right a brush is not ideal but if I keep contact to a minimum along the sills and a small as possible area on bottom of doors.
Use both polar wash and polar seal. No complaints with either. The polar wash is 3 for 2 from halfrauds so pretty reasonable. Can’t comment in the shampoo as I usually buy that in 5 litre variants. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Use Polar blast and wash for all my cars. foaming the cars at this time of year is key to removing as much dirt/debris as possible before contact is made
Just picked some more of this up in Halfrauds. Be warned the sizes are now 2.5 litre where as when I first got my 3 for 2 from there they were 5 litres! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I live in a very hard water area and I use rain water to rinse, which is miles better than my tap water which leaves white streaks everywhere that need attention.
we are very lucky when it comes to water quality and our tap water is in the 0-50 range on that map over in the west of wales so as good as it gets l do feel your pain and if l lived in a hard water area l would be rain water harvesting to rinse the car as well as white water spots are a bugger to get off